Tuesday, August 24, 2010
1st Post w/ the spanking new BABY!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Another Divirginized Moment..

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Anywhooo..U know I'm mean, a bitch, etc...etc..whatever u wanna say but I always n I mean ALWAYS keep my word. If I made a promise, no matter how hard it is I'll try to fulfill it. So you know it..I H-A-T-E it when people just easily broke their promises to me, especially if that promises are important and their reason are either stupid or whatever..you know it's not like you don't have a choice kinda thing.
BUT it's fine w/ me if it's just a stupid promises and u canceled on me and you said sorry..I'll be totally fine w/ it. Prolly annoy at first but I'll forgive u right away.
So today, someone broke one's promise to me. I mean I guess one did at first and I didn't care for it..Basically it's like this-different scenario btw....
I asked people to come w/ me because I want them to celebrate my bday n I'll be paying for it. Then they said sure. But, this person said..opz sorry I don't feel like partying that day.
So I was like..ok whatever and didn't put this person on the list and when I did that that person said..
Person: so ok, my name isn't on the list. I guess I'm not going.
Na: WTH?!! didn't u say u don't feel like partying?
Person: well I was j/k..
Na: -_-" so u r going right?!
Person: if you aren't paying
Na: whatever..i'm paying n you are going...
Person: Ok..ok..
The ending basically was that person was going to the party...but guess what..today when the time come...
Person: Ok guys, I'm going home..
Na: ?!?!?! *didn't say anything*
By that I know that that person won't be going..so I was like whatever...Then I went somewhere n eh?!that person was still there..n that person came up to me and like...
P: hey, I'm going home..
Na: Oh ok bye...
N someone else jump in...that was nice of him..I appreciate that...thanks man!
M: didn't u promise to go..
P: I know but I had that thing...bla..bla..bla..
I wasn't really listening at this point the moment I heard they talked was when..
M: well yeah..but u promised u r going to this party..
Na: yeah what he said...
Really tho, I didn't know what's going on but that good guy friend of mine n that promise breaker kept talking bout it till a point where.. basically
M: well whatever it's up 2 u..
And he was somewhat a bit annoyed by it too.....
Funny thing is...I wasn't pissed by it but I was like yo I'm D-O-N-E w/ this person like D-O-N-E. Why?!?! because that person didn't even do what any other decent human being would... Like if you were gonna cancel on someone..wouldn't u at least have the gut to tell me in person like this?!?
P: hey, sorry I can't go because bla..bla..bla..
not like
P: ok guys I'm going home...bye..
and also not...
Came to me in person after someone told u to!!!Like WTH?!?!?! Oh, n that someone who told u to tell me didn't tell me about it, I knew someone told u to come n talk to me in person-so don't go up in that someone's face n be like "WTH!!?!?!"
Sorry, guess I don't have enough confidence on u from the very beginning..LOL!!!!
Even then u didn't tell me 'I can't go' u just said 'I'm going home...' Like what?!?!!?!? I don't need to know u r going home I need u to tell me you can't go..u promise breaker!
I might be mean or a bitch but at least I know when to be a bitch and when to be a decent person w/ moral!! Oppzz.. was I a bit mean there?!LOL!!
Eh...whatever....the only thing I know now is that I'm at a point where there is no return...I'm done w/ u and we gonna leave it at that...
Oh, u know what's funny?! I actually had a feeling that u gonna cancel on me..guess that's why my respond was like that..like whatever bye..LOL! N another thing is that I feel waaaayyy free-er too..like I feel like ever since I stopped caring bout u, there has been a very very heavy weight lifted from my shoulder..weiiiirrdd....hhmmm..interesting..LMAO!!!
Aight I'm donneeee..... XD
Monday, June 7, 2010
P-E-A-C-E O-U-T my "friend"
I'm so FREAKIN ANNOYED at a certain someone who is totally being shady, hot&cold (Kate Perry's song is so perfect for this person), and trying to play w/ my feeling.. urghhh!! seriously why are you being such an a$$hole?!?!
So I tried to "fix" it..I reached out..I asked.. once...twice...the responses that I got was proof that you are just one BIG JERK w/ a tiny lil' heart = you ain't brave enough to say what the hell are your problems w/ me or w/ the friendship that we HAD tho I told you just FREAKIN say it! Trust me, I'm better than you in handling this kinda thing..and TRUST ME! I ain't gonna run crying just because of you!!! Phuuaaallleeeaasee!!
You know, normally I wouldn't give a crap if someone doesn't wanna, ok not the exact word but.., be friend w/ me anymore. I would be like..'ok bye!' But you know why I cared? Coz I thought our friendship WAS important, I guess I WAS the only one that felt that way, huh?!
I thought we will always supported each other...I guess all yer kindness, care, and oh what was it again that you said about L-O-V-E?!?!!? WHATEVER!!!!
Oh and please don't blame it on other people on the fact that you've changed to a complete jerka$$! no one can changed one's personality, only you yourself the one that can!
Whether you want to admit it or not..you so totally want to see my reaction and guess what?! you got it!! This is my reaction
- you are out of my 'care list'
- you are out of my life
- I'm out of your life
BUT...I still want to thank you for all yer kindness, care, and things that you did for me...all those supports. Thanks, I really do appreciate em... It was great to have you as a good friend (at least I think we were good friends)... maybe I'm still the only one that feel that way but whatever I thank you for all the memories..
I dunno what's the future holds.. maybe everything will be back to how it used to be, we will be the closest friend, or maybe our relationship will developed to different kind of relationship..
However..for now.. my boat is sailing away from your dock....
P-E-A-C-E O-U-T my "friend"...
Friday, December 4, 2009
- work
- love
- life
- etc..etc..
- I'll always support you no matter what!!
- Tho' I'm not there, u know I'm there in SPIRIT!! *spirit fingers!!LOL*
- You are and ALWAYS will be my BBFF forever and ever!LOL!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
After more than 3 months of absent..
I'm here to WISH YOU A....

Hope you all had a blessed year...I sure had a very blessed year!! =D
See you next year!!!
Luph u all!!
Bisou! Bisou!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
8+8+8=10?! WTH?
August 8, 2008!!
All that waiting is done! today is the day!
No lha!! not Olympics..though it is, I'll blog about it too soon enough!
Today is.....
OUR 10 YEARS ANNIVERSARY!!! Nope!! not between me and my boyfriend! Got none anyway!! -_-"
It's 10 YEARS ANNIVERSARY of my and my beloved best friend, Amel @nenek @my twin @my sis *wow..so many @ la..LOL* friendship!!! I know right!! 10 years!! wow!!! I can NOT BELIEVE I survived all your craziness, sis! WOW!
We actually need to thank someone for this beautiful friendship! who?! WZ @ Wendy Zelda Helling! She was and still is my "adopted sis" and she was the one that actually closer to Amel @ nenek first, I remember that day we (I and WZ) went to Amel's house since she just moved close to my house to go swimming at Sport Club! And that day so many thing happened! SO SILLY, but I'll disclose it just for the fun of it.
First, the only member of Sport Club was nenek and well WZ and I was suppose to sneak in using my sis' cousin's, Mee, membership but we got caught!!wakakkakakk..*i know..i know..we were just so silly lha those days*
Then, after we paid, we proceed swimming and then, I think it was my idea to play pretending to be lifeguards..WZ was the SUPPOSE to be victim and I+my twin were suppose to be the lifeguards and guess what?!!?! COME ON! GUESS! LOL! If you guessed we got drown, you got it right!!! Ok not necessarily we! But just WZ n Amel! I somehow survived! AND they didn't really got drown lha..just drank tons of that swimming pool's water!wakakakak... of course the REAL lifeguard came and saved them...
Do you think we stop swimming afterwards?! Well you got it wrong!! we proceed to swim like nothing ever happened! of coz with a few giggling and whatnot after that so called incident..LOL!
At the end, we ate ice cream!LOL!
Sis, Do u remember this incident!? u r BAD if u don't, even WZ remember them!!
So anyway,
I hope our friendship will last till years to come!
- After we get married *gotta find boyfriend first tho' LOL!*
- After we have kids *gotta get married first tho' LOL!*
- After we have grandkids *again, go back to bullet one..LOL!*
- And after many many many years to come!!!!!
Luph ya sis!!! and remember, I'll always got ur back!! tho' we are separated with the whole ocean! hahaha
SOOOO....NIWEIZZ....CAN U BELIEVE IT?!?! I actually went home for a day to celebrate this friendship of ours!! Here's picture!!

Aww...look at that...10 years of friendship but taking picture like strangers! @_@
BUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA....JUST KIDDING!!!! I photoshopped em lha!!!HAHAHAHAA... for those who thought that was a real picture! damn! your photoshop skill must be bad! LOL! just a glimpse u must know is photoshopped ba? I just cut mine and put it on nenek's original pic!!hihihi!
And sis, we finally have a new picture "together"!! hm..gonna put it on fs..let's see who got tricked!!WAKAKAKAK..so fun! so fun! *cheeky smile*
So niweiz!! hopefully someday we can really celebrate and take a real new picture lha! hahaha..
Ok lha..I'm done! I was thinking Imma blog about Olympics' opening ceremony but suddenly lazy lha.. tho' I already have the materials! *materials?!damn, sounded like a true reporter or blogger!!wakakkak* Watever lha..Imma blog about it some other time..hehe..tmw maybe..We'll see!
Bisou! Bisou!!