"Na, u r so awesome!!" This was my fren said when she heard I slept only 3 hours on the day of our trip to Kansas n yet I didn't sleep at all on the bus!! BUT..this is another different story!!I'll blog about it when I retrieve all the pics and videos!!
Now...let's just see all the Design PROJECTS that eat up my whole week n hours to sleep!!!!!
Dress Project...

Well this is the old 1..
might as well post it w/ human figure...
NOW LET'S SEE THE NEW IMPROVE ONE!!!!*the one that made me walked around campus like zommbbiieee*
Just a basic skecth...nothing fancy..
1st LOOK..
What do ya think? cute no?formal yet cute!!hihihi..
2nd LOOK!!
Yup...2 style in 1!!!cool rite?!
So, wat do u think?I'll say it's definitely a big improvement from the yellow 1..Oh..the funny thing is my instructor is more excited than I'm!! Exchange at my presentation..
Na: mine is unique because if u take off this lace part u'll get a whole different style..
Ins: ok guys, what do u think??*silent*About the layer part?
student 1: I never saw anything like it..I don't know..I'm just amaze!!
student 2: I like it!
Ins: you know what I think it'll be better if the layer part also can be taken off..
student 3: yeah!!I'll definitely wear it if it's short..
Na: *damn!!i'm still standing here n u guys just talking among urself!!*
Ins: I know right!!it'll be perfect!!all the moms will be so happy n said to their teen.."here..prom, party, etc2..it's the whole package!!
Na: *although I know..I just want to be engage in the conversation too* so?? how do u attach it?zipper? *obviously I know, rite?*
Ins: yeah sure!!zipper work fine!! *n she is back talking w/ the other..then realize* Ah..ok Na..really nice!!
Na: *finally I can sit!!don't cha know I haven't sleep!!*
But..all n all..I'm glad they like it!!hihihi~ I must say though..I think I'll do a simple one next time which is kind of a challange for me because my simple is complicated for others..in the end people that have had class with me b4 always said.."u always do complicated stuff" which is kind of weird because i thought mine..*above* is pretty simple in the fact that it's my original dsgn..but hey..I guess not!!that's why I tone it down a bit for the next one although in my mind.."what is this, this is a reallllyy simple dress!!" but oh well!!better tone it down then sorry..^^ AND yeah next time coming soon..another dress due in 2 1/2 week!!!! Started??heck no!!!Rest first!!!
I was going to post another part of my week in this post but...I'll just post again some other time!!^^
K!!time to sleep or may be grading homework..yup2..still tons of things to do!!grading homework, draw 3 figures in wool, leather n satin!! then memorize me line for Chinese talent show..yup!I'm joining a talent show..hope I won't have a stage fright!!! LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!! Studying for exam on tuesday!!argghh!!!!
Nice dress sis! ^_^
U gotta make 1 for me someday.Lol~
U're gonna be in a Chinese talent show? cool! What are u gonna do then??
LOL..Which 1 do ya like??
Yup2..we r in a group doing a funny act...hihihi..moga2 ga ampe stage fright!!!byk yg ntn gitu dr univ2 laen..hihihi
hey i didnt know u have a blog..haha im gonna link ya!
i like both of them. lol =)
but the 2nd one is nicer i think..sexier..hwauahauahuaa ;)
ouww icic..wah it's gonna be gun for sure! gud luck sis, n dun forget to show me the pics. lol
>=P ROAR!!
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