Niweizz!!!let's pics do the talking!
That's the runway..we were kinda far from it..since we didn't wanna go if my stuff weren't in it..What for? right!? Oh~ this is the 1st time that the tickets all sold out! 2000 something! Damn crazy!LOL!
Okie dokie..Now my entries...
- 1st entry-accessory-Angevil
I made Angevil in jewelry/metalsmithing class..that class was a whole lot of fun!! tho I need to saw, burned, hammered, filed all that metals..but it's all good!! me like that class! LOL! I even made 6 other rings outside class assignments!LOL!

- 2nd entry-Casual wear-Windsy
I made Windsy in my pattern making2 class. Windsy was inspired by Kimono and that old Chinese men's clothes from tons of old Kungfu movies when I was a kid. Remember??

Above was "professionally" taken on judging day, designer can't go.
Later used for a slide show on the fashion show.
Cute, no?! me like..I kinda wish I can wear em..yes, it fits me..but it's kinda thin, for summer..but long sleeve lha! so don't think I'll wear em anytime soon!LOL!
- 3rd entry-Dresses-Fantasia Goddesses *damn!they misspelled it!*
Fantasia Goddesses was inspired by Greek Goddesses' clothing..and all that braids was inspired by the men's "hairstyle". I'll tell u, being in 2 different yet similar majors really come in handy..IF I'm only in fashion design class..I won't take classes on art history that show some of the inspirations that I used!LOL!
Fantasia Goddesses was my Senior Line from Senior Studio Design class..AND the deciding "point" whether I can pass the class or not!LOL!
At 1st I like the Peach's not PINK!
But after this runway pics, I like the Purple better..hmmm..sorry it's too small to look at, huh?!LOL! Well anyway..all that strapies were braided! and HAND SEW!! damn! by the time it was done..I swear I don't wanna do braiding no more!!
- 4th entry-Historical/Costume-Asian Rebellion
Don't be surprise!!!hahhaha..this is a crazy one, but I love it.. that I made in Creative Design class! Also a deciding factor if I would pass the class smoothly or not!I think it's cool!! So, Asian Rebellion was inspired by hmm...between punk and Asian Warior! hence the name!LOL! Why? because it used Asian/Chinese brocade..that's traditional BUT the style!!wew!! let's see if there is Asian guy wear this on the street!!hahhaa...
See!cool no!? I was stressing out since I'm afraid there is no Asian models! I was going to force Tam to do it if there was none! But he doesn't wanna! =( Thank goodness there was one! If not, it'll lose it's name "affect" lha. Can u imagine?! ASIAN Rebellion but the model was white/black?!LOL!!
I was kinda pissed when I look at this photo! LOOK AT IT!! They put the straps all on the wrong places!! ok not all but still *go back to the other pic for the rite one*!!urgh!!! I know it's kinda tricky to put on and YES, it's already IN the fashion show! BUT STILL!! Damn! What if I'm a real designer!? *ok, u get what I mean rite? I'm a designer..but not "real" one yet!* Won't I pissed off!?!?!
- Last entry-Evening Wear-Meidiana
Meidiana, honestly!! it was NOT inspired by the French Maid dress..but I guess..I picked the colors that give that affect!LOL! My main idea was to create that sheer layers inside instead of outside! and the top basically just because I LOVE STRAPPIESss and SEXY BACK! if u haven't notice that by now!LOL! This was from my pattern making 2 class too! I blog about this here... I modeled it before tho!lol! YES2! all my designs fit me! well..the purple and green dress not really but...almost all! and of coz not the guy one too lha!!
I heard from my model that a lot of people including the judges complimented her on it! YEAH! I'm good! I chose her to wear em because I think it would look good on her!PLUS, she was the best model that I ever had, very easy to work w/ and all! she even win the best attitude model! YUP2! I'm good!LOL
I was surprise when I saw this walking on the runway! It's flowy-er than I thought!! damn nice!! I love sheer stuff too!LOL! Look at the back..damn sexy no! I like giving surprise w/ my designs..They prolly look fine from the front but as soon as they turned around! BOOM! SEXIEEH..LOL! The judges love the back too!hahahaha..
OK that's all!! So anyway..guess who went w/ me that day!! who else but my beloved best friend..
TAM of coz!!
I was so glad Tam was there! because after the fashion show, they *as in the fashion show committees* actually want the designers to take back all their stuff!!! I was like!! ok!! that's just so troublesome! to my SURPRISE!!!! THE CLOTHING WERE ALL MESSED UP!!! they're all over the place!! I was like "what the F*CK! R u f*cking kidding me!!" I was so mad!! but Tam actually helped me took care of em when I was busy searching for my other stuff!! gosh! I dunno wat would I do w/out him that day! I was kinda bitchy to the committees too, OK not actually to them but I was "cursing" around..they heard me n kind of looked at me..I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! I mean!! I don't expect u to took care of my stuff...and sure, it's great that before the fashion show u guys took care of them..but at least put them back in their bag or something!! GRR!!
So yeah..thanks to Tam, he remained calm!LOL! Anyway! too be honest tho! I think I expected too much from this fashion show! I thought it would be HELLA exciting and all that..truth is, after..I was kinda's not as "fashion show" as I thought it would be! Well, I guess to be run by students it was ok...but that's all..nothing more.
Anyway...funny story..That day was hella windy and look what I wore!
HAHAHA...My dress flew all over the place..I actually needed to held it while I walked!
The funniest was...we actually went to eat and watched movie *Forbidden Kingdom*, people all looked at us crazy.. well..not when we ate..since there were some people from the fashion show too. BUT...when we went to watch movie, people were staring! Prolly to me more..since I wore none sleeve when it was hella windy! PLUS OF COZ! Who would went to a movie with that kind of dress in this LOVELY city!LOL!! Overdressed alert!LOL!
But, who give a damn!? surely I'm not! I honestly was thinking, "damn,people here never saw a girl wearing dress to a movie, huh?!" LOL! I was mean wasn't I! oh well..who cares?!hahahaha..
Oh~ I actually did I make up!!YES by myself! OK! that "special someone" actually fixed since apparently I didn't put the eyeshadow thick enough..but well..I put on the rest! LOOK!
BUT I put the eyeliner and all!and damn! ain't it hard!!geezz!! took me a long time!LOL!
Ohhhh..that "special some1" also did my hair!! I love it..
OK, it was suppose to be curlier than that..but I like it like this..nice!hihihi
OK THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Hopefully u like my designs...erm..I put my blog to covered my real name..don't wanna unknown people who happened to come across my blog to know my full name lha!hahahaa...
Bisou Bisou!