Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ssstt...My BIG SECRET..

Look what I found!! it's about pisces women..well since I'm one might as well comment on it.


What they said

What I said

She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality. She is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love". She can cry if her best friend is breaking up, and she can be over excited when her friend gets a new boy friend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothing concerned her at all. You might be surprise to see that she is shy just because she is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. She loves small animal and gifted in training animals.

I do can remember all my dream till the little detail from time to time, but I still am live in reality. Can’t say the love part is true since I haven’t really experience it yet.
I don’t think I’ve cried when my friends are breaking up, but I do am happy when my friends find their ones. I do love small, cute, cuddly animal though I might have no time to get one. Never really train animals.

She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next, it's her nature. Even she has a good sixth senses, she can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lover. She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or a one night stand guy.

The 6th senses kind of true, usually I got this really strong feeling that turn out to be right. Maybe that’s why I never cried when my friends are breaking up since I always get a hunch from the start that he isn’t the right guy...
The can't foreseen my own guy..well I think I'm more hard to "touch", though however care a guy is to me, I see him just as being nice or care, nothing more..sorry guys you got to actually tell me if you want me to think more then that..lol..

She likes to buy and pick her own cloths. She likes to dress cute and be cute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if she collects them. She is a hot lady that everyone wants her. Whether she has a man in her life or not , she will never try to over powered any man. It's not even in her thought.

Yeah..like to buy and pick my own cloths and pick for someone else’s. LOL. Cute part, sometimes it’s true..The rest..what do u think?! =D
Overpowered man..hmm..I was realllyyyyy mean to guys when I was a kid..but this isn't categorized as overpowered is it?LOL..

She thinks man can handle things better, and she will make her man feel that way. She is an easy going person, so being with her is easy. She is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy. She knows how to please and how to comfort a man. If something is wrong, she will try to make other people belief that it's must be because of someone else, not because of her love one. She will not push her man to be ambition but to make him feel like he should be happy with the way he is now. She is happy with you for what you are now.

Not true, I don’t think man can handle things better. Easy going..true, confident..true.. saya kan emank narsis..LOL.. The “my man” part..hmm..let me said it like this..I don't care if you failed BUT at least you TRIED! is this answering the question?

A Pisces woman , if she has a bad childhood, she will always remember it and it will make her a very unhappy person. She will pity herself and feel sorry for herself. She tends to hurt herself with out knowing it and so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleeping pills).

TOTTALY not me.. I'm never gonna trash my life..I LOVE mylife.

She has many choices and you can never tell which path she going to take. If you love her , then hold her tight because she never knows why she did what she did or what she will do next.

I'll say this is partly true..let's just say..I didn't plan ALMOST half the decision I made in mylife. Again, back to you got to tell me if you want me to know, better LISTEN to that guys, hold tight or I might fly away..*singing Nelly Furtado..I'm like a bird, I'LL fly awayy...*LOL

A complex character. You may think she is a shy innocent type and can not hurt anyone, then you are wrong. You might think she is a fragile person who needs protection, wrong again. She has been through a lot, a tough cookie. She is a dreamer and love the word "Love", so she is the type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion, especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anniversary even for someone who she does not know so well.

Like I always said..simple yet complicated, that’s me. Yeah, people that don’t know me might think all of the above but yup, you’re WRONG! Just remember you don’t wanna start anything bad with me!!
About the word love..go back to my “ambiguous love”.. LOL

Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman. She can be a total different person before and after. She can be an angel before and later a witch, but everyone is not perfect, right? She will be soft and gentle most of the time, so not to worry. She is emotional and extremely sensitive when she frequently got hurt. She is the type who can cry her heart out.

Wow.. angel then witch huh? Ckckck..well, one wise girl said a.k.a me..*LOL* as long as u ain't messing w/ me, you’ll be fine..LOL..
Ok2 I admit, you’ll find me different before you know me and after you get closer to me. I guess my best friends knew this already. But it's usually in a good way.. for example, before they know me, my now best friends thought I'm a such jutex/sassy girl but then they realized I'm not as jutex as they thought I was. SEE, in a good way rite?
I don’t think I’ve cried my heart out, but then again, I’ve never really got hurt..feeling wise. But yeah, I cried BAD when my bone detached.

She can have a secret fear inside, when she says she does not need anyone. She badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes she can hide that feeling by being stubborn.

Oh my GOD!! This is creeping me out!! I made a "poetry" about me sounded just like this!!

She likes to hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemy. She does not like to follow any fixed rules. She can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her.

Well, who wants to show their weakness? Come on now?! No one want to let anyone know where to push the button.
Good wife, huh? Well, got to wait to know this.

Many men will ask to marry her because she is a 100% woman. If she wants to be sweet, she is a real angel.

Yeah, 1 of my best friends said this about me.."she can be soooo care but she can be not care at all.." If other people already noticed this, I guess it's true..but then again..from my point of view..

I can be a real angel IF I want to and IF you are worth it

So??wat do u think? is this the me that u know?!?!or not?

OK...Since my godsis haven't update for a lonnnggg time I want to tag her to do this too!!hehee.. YES!!It's u my sis @ nenek @ amelia apsari @ 潘美莉 *lol* I know u've this thing somewhere, I sent it to ya b4..just in case I'll send it again.. (ngotot bgt yak gw..lol)

ps: if any of you want this thing, tell me. I've the complete version of men and women..LOL..


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Simple yet Catchy... Feist- 1 2 3 4

Late at night..just flipping through channel..no glasses on..ready to sleep..
And..suddenly I saw a blurry catchy MV w/ catchy tone..and just like that I put my glasses back on..

I like the way they use the camera's angle also the used of simple surrounding which practically just gray wall forcing u just to focus on the people with the colorful clothes..feels so 80's, no? Plus!!I like the domino affect and all that jazz that taken from above and when the camera twisting..LOL..

Anywaayyyy...I just like it!for the moment at least..lol..what do ya think? plus listen carefully..are there numbers that missing?lol..


Saturday, July 7, 2007

My Summer Time

Well, this is it..the reason why I've been absent from chatting and a lot of other stuff. My precious, supposed to be relaxed summer time goes to my projects!! If you saw it, you'll realized why I've been disappeared.


I need to make this, my oh so lovely pic with colors only, can't drew the outline.
Yup, square by square!!!!!that's why I must made the 1/4" square!!gosh just making the stupid squares already spent time!!! What do you think?pretty close huh? I'm satisfied w/ the result though..=D


Wallpapers that represent every season..
Well, this one pretty much a huge break from the first one..I think I only spent 3-5 hours in this..Again, I like it though my teacher said.. "it's cliche but it feels so Asian" I was thinking like "well duh? I'm Asian, it's just logical!!"LOL


Yup, this is the most annoying one!!from the picture which I took, I must matched the color using dots from magazines!! Just imagine!!looking for the right colors already a lot of time + punched it down!! Gosh!!I'll be really grateful if I don't hear the sound of puncher for a million years to come!! LOL *overreacting there*


*GASPP* I know!!how do I do it!!LOL..Can you count how many dots are there??I believe more than 10 thousands!! don't you think so??!? Here, the shape don't matter, I mean come on who can make the texture of trees using 1/4" dots? impossible..however, it's suppose to look close to the picture if you look at it from a far..Pretty close, no? Oh well..I'm satisfied!!!

The outside
Yup, this is it the first attempt..not liking it...Well, guess it's because the "directly from brain to paper" process which isn't a very good process to do..

The outside

So yeah..sooooo much better!!!Not like the first one..this one I actually made everything separate and put it together on the background!! Just like I said I'm going to do sis!!remember??*LOL*
Oh~ and I love the music bar, my teacher do to!!nice huh?hehe..And yeah so, I need to burned the CD to let everyone know how's the music...and so I did..and well, they said this cover well represent the genre!!well, good!!! Good thing I followed my own idea..my teacher give a suggestion like doing all music bars entangled w/ each other..hm..I don't think so!!*LOL*

So anyhowwww!!What did you learn about me from all this projects?? Well duh? I'm actually a realllllyy patience girl!!!even my sis finally admitted it!! Well can't blame all of you that know me since I was a kid though..I wasn't a very patience kid but I admitted, deep inside I'm still that kid back there..but I just have more self control now and yeah also I've my Z-O-N-E ZONE..*LOL*
Anyway....now you know..where my summer time went...Good thing the class is done on Thursday!! So, this last few days before my session 2 summer class, which is on monday -_-", I can relax my ass off and doing nothing..well I made kroket..so I guess not exactly nothing..hahahaha...

OK!!that's it for now!!!!! 2 posts to read..hope I ain't bored you down..the first time I posted 2 days in a row..well the other one was in my draft..so yeah..LOL..
Enjoy whatever you might be doing!!!

OH~Just wanna give a shout out to moch2, my godsis' boyfriend..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! So cool eh..777!!!
Well, I already gave out my msg in sms...so yeah..no need for it anymore..*LOL*

Also, for my godsis!!!! GET WELL SOON, SIS!!!!!!! Don't you go crazy with your week in Malay w/ your nerd..LOL...Mochi, don't force her to play around w/ ya, kay?!!? health come first!^^

OK2!!Now I'm done...bye~
ps: HAPPY LIVE EARTH!!!hopefully y'all do something EXTRA nice for the earth today!!^^


Friday, July 6, 2007


Have you ever plan on doing things like well assignment but in the end you did none?

Well, I have..

It feels so weird, well not that weird really. It's just from time to time especially weekends, I planned to do my assignment..
Angel Na: Come on, Na you got to do this the faster the better.
Devil Na: I know..I know but I still have tons of time..
Angel Na: yes you do but won't it better if you get it done sooner?
Devil Na: yeah..but....
In the end Devil Na wins!! It's always like that..especially when the assignment isn't due for a long time. I mean, I can't lie to myself and said the assignment is due tomorrow when it's not right? that's just weirder then my "arguing to myself" habit.

Ok, so why the title is THE ZONE not LAZINESS? Well, because from all this jazz I actually realize that if I want to do my stuff, I need to be in my ZONE.
What "ZONE" you ask? Well, it's a "ZONE" that I created where I litterally surrounded with all the stuff that I need, the "ZONE" when I only focused on my assignment and not even get up for anything, the "ZONE" where no one but me and my stuff and the sound of TV are, heck..I even chase my sis away..*LOL*

Why do I need to do that? Why do I chase my sis away? well, I don't know, if there is someone around me when I'm doing my "stuff" it makes me lost my "mojo" *gosh, mojo..haven't heard it since ever..LOL* Geez..it's just called 'you can't concentrate' NO IS NOT! TV can make people unfocus too but nope, it doesn't distract me.

So yeah, I always need my ZONE, with it I can do stuff faster than you can answer "why she chased her sis away?"*LOL* ok maybe not that fast, but you got the idea.
Also, it really pointless for me to force myself to do stuff that I don't feel like doing at the moment, I tried..in the end I got so little done, better use the time to do other stuff..like doing some pointless thing called "browsing around the inet", "changing the TV's channel every so often though I know there is none on", "blogging and then saved it as draft, just like I'm doing now", washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen..well this isn't pointless right?this is a good thing that I actually do all the time to avoid myself from doing assignment..*LOL* and last but not least just like I was doing this whole day from 10am-now(12.21am) arguing w/ myself..
Angel Na: why am I not doing the assignment?
Devil Na: well duh
?you still have time tomorrow..
Angel Na: but tomorrow we are going to make kroket *yes people, we are going to make kroket =D*
Devil Na: I know, but remember the other day I finished the whole drawing less then 30 mnts, so no worries..I'll got everything done tomorrow nite
Angel Na: TOMORROW NITE? are you crazy!
Devil Na: ok2, wake up early tomorrow and get it done!!
Angel Na: well that's better
Once again Devil Na wins! and yeah, I'm going to get up early tomorrow to get it done..*well it might not be tomorrow anymore when I post this since I'm not going to post this now (now is Saturday, June 30)..LOL*

Anyway, what do you think? do you have the same problem with me? I'm sure you do!lol

UPDATE: Ok, so Na Devil win yet agian and I ended up doing my project on monday..and it's done.. but then I'm not so satisfied w/ the result so I made another one on tuesday and wednesday and I like it so much better than the 1st one (look at my upcoming blog for this one....)
Also, yup, we made the Kroket and made it again last night..yummmm...upcoming..BASO GORENG!!!hahahaha...
