Well, this is it..the reason why I've been absent from chatting and a lot of other stuff. My precious, supposed to be relaxed summer time goes to my projects!! If you saw it, you'll realized why I've been disappeared.
Yup, square by square!!!!!that's why I must made the 1/4" square!!gosh just making the stupid squares already spent time!!! What do you think?pretty close huh? I'm satisfied w/ the result though..=D

Wallpapers that represent every season..
Well, this one pretty much a huge break from the first one..I think I only spent 3-5 hours in this..Again, I like it though my teacher said.. "it's cliche but it feels so Asian" I was thinking like "well duh? I'm Asian, it's just logical!!"LOL

Yup, this is the most annoying one!!from the picture which I took, I must matched the color using dots from magazines!! Just imagine!!looking for the right colors already a lot of time + punched it down!! Gosh!!I'll be really grateful if I don't hear the sound of puncher for a million years to come!! LOL *overreacting there*
*GASPP* I know!!how do I do it!!LOL..Can you count how many dots are there??I believe more than 10 thousands!! don't you think so??!? Here, the shape don't matter, I mean come on who can make the texture of trees using 1/4" dots? impossible..however, it's suppose to look close to the picture if you look at it from a far..Pretty close, no? Oh well..I'm satisfied!!!
The outside
Yup, this is it the first attempt..not liking it...Well, guess it's because the "directly from brain to paper" process which isn't a very good process to do..
The outside

So yeah..sooooo much better!!!Not like the first one..this one I actually made everything separate and put it together on the background!! Just like I said I'm going to do sis!!remember??*LOL*
Oh~ and I love the music bar, my teacher do to!!nice huh?hehe..And yeah so, I need to burned the CD to let everyone know how's the music...and so I did..and well, they said this cover well represent the genre!!well, good!!! Good thing I followed my own idea..my teacher give a suggestion like doing all music bars entangled w/ each other..hm..I don't think so!!*LOL*
So anyhowwww!!What did you learn about me from all this projects?? Well duh? I'm actually a realllllyy patience girl!!!even my sis finally admitted it!! Well can't blame all of you that know me since I was a kid though..I wasn't a very patience kid but I admitted, deep inside I'm still that kid back there..but I just have more self control now and yeah also I've my Z-O-N-E ZONE..*LOL*
Anyway....now you know..where my summer time went...Good thing the class is done on Thursday!! So, this last few days before my session 2 summer class, which is on monday -_-", I can relax my ass off and doing nothing..well I made kroket..so I guess not exactly nothing..hahahaha...
OK!!that's it for now!!!!! 2 posts to read..hope I ain't bored you down..the first time I posted 2 days in a row..well the other one was in my draft..so yeah..LOL..
Enjoy whatever you might be doing!!!
OH~Just wanna give a shout out to moch2, my godsis' boyfriend..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! So cool eh..777!!!
Well, I already gave out my msg in sms...so yeah..no need for it anymore..*LOL*
Also, for my godsis!!!! GET WELL SOON, SIS!!!!!!! Don't you go crazy with your week in Malay w/ your nerd..LOL...Mochi, don't force her to play around w/ ya, kay?!!? health come first!^^
OK2!!Now I'm done...bye~
ps: HAPPY LIVE EARTH!!!hopefully y'all do something EXTRA nice for the earth today!!^^
nanaaaaaa.... i like all ur project result, i hope ur teacher gives u a nice grade.. if not.. just punch them in ur dream wahahaha.... well..g harap comment g gak nyangkut lagi kayak kemaren...
wakakak..yeah..she gave me a good grade i guess..though not A or A+ but most of them is A-..and the point that was taken I think it was ridiculous!!!gosh!
Wow sis! Great job! :D
seems dat ur dream to be a professional designer is coming soon, huh? Lol.
And the optical mixing thing..omg! it's just crazy! Hahaha...looking for the similar colors, punching them, arrange them on the paper and check whether it's done nicely..ahahahaha...
i guess u'll need to have ur eyes checked to an optician after this, sis. kakakakaka
well done! :D
p.s: i am recovered but now Mochi is sick. He is suffering from food poisoning :(
huhuhu...y this has to happen..menyedihkan...
Why, thanks sis!!just wish me luck!!lol...
I know right!!i hope my eyes are ok..LOL..
What the hell?!?!O gosh..why is the suppose to be lovely week turn out to be sick week..haiz!!!Well, i guess it's ur turn to be his inem huh??wakakakak..don't tell him this..gw rasa dia balas dendam tuh..lol....j/k
What did he eat anyway?
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