I don't want to elaborate on the dream..Let's just say it involved ME *duh!?*, a guy *I don't recognize him in real life tho'*, and a R-I-N-G! THE RING I want to elaborate about! tee-hhee^^
So, this Ring is sooo..ABSOLUTELY F-A-N-T-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! No, not because all the diamonds..u know I'm not big w/ diamonds anyway..If u know me, you prolly can guess it!! Come on..GUESS!! It's because of the COLOR!! WAT ELSE?! Y-E-L-L-O-W of course!!! YES! The Canary Diamond! Well..ok, I dunno for sure if it's Canary or wat lha.. it could be any other YELLOW diamond, but get w/ me here! YELLOW is the important point!LOL!
OK..so anyway...I was so in LOVE w/ this RING! Not only because of the YELLOW diamond but because of the DESIGN! Man, it was absolutely GORGEOUS!
Let me break it down here...
1. It's YELLOW! teehee..just need to put it out there again!LOL!
2. It's HEART shaped! one of my fave things too! GOSH! can't get any better than this no!? LOL! Wrong!
3. It's DOUBLE Heart shaped! so the YELLOW part is heart shaped and it's surrounded by small diamonds..get what I meant by DOUBLE heart shaped?
4. It has that key to my heart design! I always ADORE key to my heart design!got it? No, not like this..

But more like there is this chain across the yellow diamond and the key dangling from it on the side!! N there is no hole on the diamond! damn! hole on the diamond!?not a good idea!LOL!
So anyway!!! I ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE w/ this ring! when I was half awake, I was like thinking in my mind! MUST REMEMBER this! MUST REMEMBER this! Gotta draw it after! Gotta! Gotta! Crazy right?! I know! I was so crazy in love with the ring! Well, okay...gotta be honest here..in my dream..that ring's design has SPECIAL meaning for me.. I guess that's also why I was so obsess by it?!LOL!
OK2..Enough story..let's go to the CAME true part! After I draw the ring..I was curious and thought let's google it! and......I FOUND it!!!! OK2! it's not the exact one, but at least there is actually the base ring..u know the Double Heart part... but2, doesn't have the dangling key part..:( BUT! I was HELLA excited!!! Here2, it's this one! But w/ less complicated surrounding and no diamond on the band itself..

Some of u prolly, geez...it's usual already! well mind u, I'm not usually googling for diamonds..Like I said I'm not BIG w/ diamonds... JUST give me a platinum ring and I'll be VERY happy! trust me! LOL!
BUT! This one is different! It's special for me because I never saw it before my dream and before I googled it today! So yeah...U understand no?!LOL! I dun care if u don't..HAHAHA..
ANYWAY...It's suppose to look like this..

The key and the chain suppose to be gold tho n no the chain can't move around, just stay curved like that. I dunno, how's that gonna happen BUT HEY! it's my dream! I can dream whatever I want! LOL! n again less complicated surrounding, in my dream, there was actually only simple small diamonds surround it n NO diamonds on the band itself! So it was not this bulky and complicated! I so LOVE it!
What do u think?! it was a dream came true right!?!? Well.. kinda! hahahaa... You know what is more silly, I actually, before I found it, want to draw it to actually make em in the future..or who knows SOMEONE actually wanna make em for me?! *wink2* LOL!!!
Well..that's my DREAM CAME TRUE! n my update after so long no update! hahhahaa...
PS: Anyone can guess what my dream was about?! LOL!! It was a pretty easy to guess dream..tho it was both happy and sad at the same time! LOL!!
Bisou Bisou!
Hmm..lemme guess. It's about proposing. LOL
Gubrax...that long of an entry n yet u only talked bout the dream!! -_-"
LOL i was guessing what dream is that maaaa.. hahahaha
and yeah, i guess it can be considered as a dream comes true. And you can find the pic of the ring sumore. ihihihihi
So what was ur dream about? u havent answered me.
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