Monday, June 7, 2010

P-E-A-C-E O-U-T my "friend"

The only reason I'm updating this blog is coz I'm in need to rant and I'm done talking to people bcoz they would just say..'come on, don't be like that' or something like that..

I'm so FREAKIN ANNOYED at a certain someone who is totally being shady, hot&cold (Kate Perry's song is so perfect for this person), and trying to play w/ my feeling.. urghhh!! seriously why are you being such an a$$hole?!?!

So I tried to "fix" it..I reached out..I asked.. once...twice...the responses that I got was proof that you are just one BIG JERK w/ a tiny lil' heart = you ain't brave enough to say what the hell are your problems w/ me or w/ the friendship that we HAD tho I told you just FREAKIN say it! Trust me, I'm better than you in handling this kinda thing..and TRUST ME! I ain't gonna run crying just because of you!!! Phuuaaallleeeaasee!!

You know, normally I wouldn't give a crap if someone doesn't wanna, ok not the exact word but.., be friend w/ me anymore. I would be like..'ok bye!' But you know why I cared? Coz I thought our friendship WAS important, I guess I WAS the only one that felt that way, huh?!
I thought we will always supported each other...I guess all yer kindness, care, and oh what was it again that you said about L-O-V-E?!?!!? WHATEVER!!!!

Oh and please don't blame it on other people on the fact that you've changed to a complete jerka$$! no one can changed one's personality, only you yourself the one that can!

Whether you want to admit it or so totally want to see my reaction and guess what?! you got it!! This is my reaction
  • you are out of my 'care list'
  • you are out of my life
  • I'm out of your life
in short....I'M DONE W/ YOU!!

BUT...I still want to thank you for all yer kindness, care, and things that you did for me...all those supports. Thanks, I really do appreciate em... It was great to have you as a good friend (at least I think we were good friends)... maybe I'm still the only one that feel that way but whatever I thank you for all the memories..

I dunno what's the future holds.. maybe everything will be back to how it used to be, we will be the closest friend, or maybe our relationship will developed to different kind of relationship..

However..for now.. my boat is sailing away from your dock....

P-E-A-C-E O-U-T my "friend"...



Morgan Oughton said...


and can i just say how much i appreciate the word "jerkass"

Amelia said...

wow, sounds like you are soooo freaking pissed with this person. A guy I reckon?

Anyway, don't waste your time and energy for someone who doesn't deserve you, sis! ;)

Amelia said...

eh, and you gotta update your blog more often leh!

-Na- said...

@Mo: this is what u meant when we chatted!i forgot u know my blog..thought u were talking bout my status on gchat..LOL!
N yeah..jerkass!!u love that dont u!?LOL!

@nenek: How do u know it's a guy?!LOL!
But yeah..of coz..the jerk doesn't deserve me..LOL!n no u don't know this jerk n u don't wanna know either..LOL!! Eh, too lazy to update...

Amelia said...

LOL I dunno. Instinct? LOL :p
Anywayyy, don't care too much bout him. He doesn't deserve you ;)

-Na- said...

I don't anymore..i'm D-O-N-E.
No worries sis..i know which person deserve me n which one isn't especially since he is nothing but a mere annoying guy..LOL