Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hand Writing=personality??

"Your hand writing portray your pesonality"

..Tiny and Quiet..

As if!!! Don't you just hate it when people that don't know a thing about you, go right a head and thing theirselves smart enough to know your personality just by some simple things like hand writing?!?! Just because you are a know all about art person, you think you know it all! Well ok, the tiny part is right, I gave you that much!but come on you don't need to judge my hand writing to see that I'm tiny..duh!?!?!

Hand writing=personality?!?

Yeah right!!I bet you will be ashamed of yourself calling yourself "an art know it all" after you saw me at other place then your class!
I always say this, if I'm not talking it doesn't mean that I'm a quiet girl, it's just that I don't want to talk to you or I have more important stuff to do other than talking or I just make it looks like that I'm busy so that I don't need to talk to you!!! DUH!?!??

LOL!!!Long time no update and here I'm ranting..oh well, at least you know a bit of what happened in my life right?!?hahaha...



Amelia said... down sis...hehehe
what happened?? u sound so pissed with someone

-Na- said...

Well, pissed of people that judging me when they don't know me at all..haiz...i'm cool now..that blog was just spur of the moment.

Tau knp ga ada space ga sih?gw liat lo punya ok2 aja..

Amelia said...

ouw icic..

hmm..i think ur plage looks okie?!

-Na- said...

Really??but di tmp gw kliatan ga ada spacenya gitu nek between paragraph..kayak between "hand writing" ke "yeah right"

Amelia said...

ahh yea..i oso got that kind of prob sometime. dunno y. usually after i put photos then it will be like dat. dunno y. stupid.

Anonymous said...

Great work.