Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry X'mas n Happy New Year!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Reality in Dream
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
- Partner-I don't need to worry who is my partner since let's see...I think I already dance with...hmm more I think 20 of them already? I even lost count!!! and can't remember all the name lha.. well, maybe if I wanted to I can*LOL*
- Height-the teacher is short too!!!! shorter than moi!! so no worries there!!LOL...and height is not really a bother..haha..
- Nervous?-nope!! not at all! weird right?! being that clooosee to strangers and all, but it's the truth from the first time I don't feel anything at all.. Well, maybe because I don't have feeling toward them at all?*LOL*
ACTUALLY, there is one time when a guy, he is asian (I know! there is an asian!!!!)but he is not asian like international though, already American kind of guy... that time he was soooo nervous, I can feel the shaking from his hand on my hand!! *LOL* I still can't shake how funny is that incident!! NOT in the mean way, ok!?? Because I thought he was one of them, kids that grew up in state and all and already cooooolll enough about this kind of stuff lha.. got it?!?!?!!? So, I just thought that was funny!! *LOL*
*sigh* what a waste of time worrying about the awkwardness.. and nothing like that happened!!
Oh waitt...let me revised that, I do feel a bit awkward at the first time..BUT NO..not because dancing with the guys but with another girl!!! damn..how weird is that?!not because the girl on girl part but because that time we didn't have enough guy so the girls sadly I'm one of them need to play the guys' roles!! that's weird!! after that, I need to be a girl again!! haiz!! it's just too confusing!! WAIT!! I guess the right word is confusing not awkward..*LOL*
Anywaayyy...are those all my wariness? I believe so... BUT, though I love this class, it gets a bit annoying from time to time.. Since I don't wear shoes to campus, I need to bring socks 'cause I don't wanna go bared foot lha.. Then, the studio doesn't have any AC!!DAMN! only that big big fan u see all the time in a dance studio.. Wait, I guess that's how it's suppose to be!! BUT still!!
Enough about that...... Let's talk about the dance!!!!!
So far we already learned merengue, a bit of salsa, the square step *u know the one that we see all the time in all that Asian Drama*, all that twirls, basket, swings, what else? I dunno lha..lol.. can't remember all the names yet..hihihi..
In short... all of them are funnn!!!!!! and the teacher understand that we are still although not nervous but uncomfortable being too close to each other just yet..so all the dance steps that need really close contact..you know..chest on chest kind of closeness are for later on the semester.. *HIUF!!!* *LOL*
Things I learn for this class other than dance steps...
- All that dance we learned when we were kids..or at least I learned, you know sajojo and all that.. Is totally a great help!!
- Energetic/hyper people will love this class!! *I guess I'm one of them, huh? lol*
- If you are the kind of couples that still not mature enough and jealous just because your guy/girl holding or "hugging" the others, I suggest don't take this kind of class!!*LOL* 'cause though u r a couple you can't dance together all the time lha..
- For you that don't exercise regularly just like moi! *LOL* this class is sure a great substitute!! 50 minutes!!! twice a week! hihihi..
Anyway..I just looovee this class, learn something new, fun, and exercising at the same time!! Want me to tell you another reason why I love this class? the BIG MIRROR!!!! YEAH!! just like any other dance studio it has big mirror and I love..love standing and dancing in front of it!!! so from time to time, I always try to get spot in front of it!! Psssssttt...DON'T tell no one! *LOL* Well, you know how narsis I'm lha...hihihiihi
OK lha..that's all about this dance class..update more if I've learn some more!!! ^^
Monday, August 13, 2007
My blood sis cut her hair too!
Which make me realized...
There is not a lot of style for long hairs.
Lately online is sooo boring..
Maybe because I'm used to my sis hogging the inet this summer *lol*
Somehow every time I'm ol, nothing interest me anymore!!
My godsis is officially graduated!!!^^
Congratz to u sis... the great future awaits u!!
Good luck in China, yapz!!
Friendship ended over a guy!! So stupid! *from the hill*
Years n years of friendship vs a guy u know not for long ago?
My answer is pretty obvious.. ur answer'll be the same if u watched it..
Better ended this here n now..or I might write even more random than this..LOL
PS: Sis, I lied about my new hair cut pic!! *lol* Will post it in a week, but not here though..
Friday, August 3, 2007

So no..I'm not worrying in that areas..but more in the "couple" thing!! haiz.. I might not look it..but I've to admit I'm kinda conserv. in that area.. just a tad..not much..lol! I mean sure I hug my closest guy friends and all, but this is different lho, so kinda worry!! But, won't u though? I mean dancing w/ a complete stranger and all.. and ballroom dance is kinda an "intimate" dance in a way or at least for me. Sooo...I'm hoping my soon to be partner won't be a wierdo or some sort..lol..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Ssstt...My BIG SECRET..
She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality. She is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love". She can cry if her best friend is breaking up, and she can be over excited when her friend gets a new boy friend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothing concerned her at all. You might be surprise to see that she is shy just because she is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. She loves small animal and gifted in training animals.
I do can remember all my dream till the little detail from time to time, but I still am live in reality. Can’t say the love part is true since I haven’t really experience it yet.
I don’t think I’ve cried when my friends are breaking up, but I do am happy when my friends find their ones. I do love small, cute, cuddly animal though I might have no time to get one. Never really train animals.
She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next, it's her nature. Even she has a good sixth senses, she can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lover. She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or a one night stand guy.
The 6th senses kind of true, usually I got this really strong feeling that turn out to be right. Maybe that’s why I never cried when my friends are breaking up since I always get a hunch from the start that he isn’t the right guy...
The can't foreseen my own guy..well I think I'm more hard to "touch", though however care a guy is to me, I see him just as being nice or care, nothing more..sorry guys you got to actually tell me if you want me to think more then that..lol..
She likes to buy and pick her own cloths. She likes to dress cute and be cute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if she collects them. She is a hot lady that everyone wants her. Whether she has a man in her life or not , she will never try to over powered any man. It's not even in her thought.
Yeah..like to buy and pick my own cloths and pick for someone else’s. LOL. Cute part, sometimes it’s true..The rest..what do u think?! =D
Overpowered man..hmm..I was realllyyyyy mean to guys when I was a kid..but this isn't categorized as overpowered is it?LOL..
She thinks man can handle things better, and she will make her man feel that way. She is an easy going person, so being with her is easy. She is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy. She knows how to please and how to comfort a man. If something is wrong, she will try to make other people belief that it's must be because of someone else, not because of her love one. She will not push her man to be ambition but to make him feel like he should be happy with the way he is now. She is happy with you for what you are now.
Not true, I don’t think man can handle things better. Easy going..true, confident..true.. saya kan emank narsis..LOL.. The “my man” part..hmm..let me said it like this..I don't care if you failed BUT at least you TRIED! is this answering the question?
A Pisces woman , if she has a bad childhood, she will always remember it and it will make her a very unhappy person. She will pity herself and feel sorry for herself. She tends to hurt herself with out knowing it and so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleeping pills).
TOTTALY not me.. I'm never gonna trash my life..I LOVE mylife.
She has many choices and you can never tell which path she going to take. If you love her , then hold her tight because she never knows why she did what she did or what she will do next.
I'll say this is partly true..let's just say..I didn't plan ALMOST half the decision I made in mylife. Again, back to you got to tell me if you want me to know, better LISTEN to that guys, hold tight or I might fly away..*singing Nelly Furtado..I'm like a bird, I'LL fly awayy...*LOL
A complex character. You may think she is a shy innocent type and can not hurt anyone, then you are wrong. You might think she is a fragile person who needs protection, wrong again. She has been through a lot, a tough cookie. She is a dreamer and love the word "Love", so she is the type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion, especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anniversary even for someone who she does not know so well.
Like I always said..simple yet complicated, that’s me. Yeah, people that don’t know me might think all of the above but yup, you’re WRONG! Just remember you don’t wanna start anything bad with me!!
About the word love..go back to my “ambiguous love”.. LOL
Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman. She can be a total different person before and after. She can be an angel before and later a witch, but everyone is not perfect, right? She will be soft and gentle most of the time, so not to worry. She is emotional and extremely sensitive when she frequently got hurt. She is the type who can cry her heart out.
Wow.. angel then witch huh? Ckckck..well, one wise girl said a.k.a me..*LOL* as long as u ain't messing w/ me, you’ll be fine..LOL..
Ok2 I admit, you’ll find me different before you know me and after you get closer to me. I guess my best friends knew this already. But it's usually in a good way.. for example, before they know me, my now best friends thought I'm a such jutex/sassy girl but then they realized I'm not as jutex as they thought I was. SEE, in a good way rite?
I don’t think I’ve cried my heart out, but then again, I’ve never really got hurt..feeling wise. But yeah, I cried BAD when my bone detached.
She can have a secret fear inside, when she says she does not need anyone. She badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes she can hide that feeling by being stubborn.
Oh my GOD!! This is creeping me out!! I made a "poetry" about me sounded just like this!!
She likes to hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemy. She does not like to follow any fixed rules. She can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her.
Well, who wants to show their weakness? Come on now?! No one want to let anyone know where to push the button.
Good wife, huh? Well, got to wait to know this.
Many men will ask to marry her because she is a 100% woman. If she wants to be sweet, she is a real angel.
Yeah, 1 of my best friends said this about me.."she can be soooo care but she can be not care at all.." If other people already noticed this, I guess it's true..but then again..from my point of view..
ps: if any of you want this thing, tell me. I've the complete version of men and women..LOL..
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Simple yet Catchy... Feist- 1 2 3 4
Late at night..just flipping through channel..no glasses on..ready to sleep..
And..suddenly I saw a blurry catchy MV w/ catchy tone..and just like that I put my glasses back on..
I like the way they use the camera's angle also the used of simple surrounding which practically just gray wall forcing u just to focus on the people with the colorful clothes..feels so 80's, no? Plus!!I like the domino affect and all that jazz that taken from above and when the camera twisting..LOL..
Anywaayyyy...I just like it!for the moment at least..lol..what do ya think? plus listen carefully..are there numbers that missing?lol..
Saturday, July 7, 2007
My Summer Time

Wallpapers that represent every season..

Yup, this is the most annoying one!!from the picture which I took, I must matched the color using dots from magazines!! Just imagine!!looking for the right colors already a lot of time + punched it down!! Gosh!!I'll be really grateful if I don't hear the sound of puncher for a million years to come!! LOL *overreacting there*

So yeah..sooooo much better!!!Not like the first one..this one I actually made everything separate and put it together on the background!! Just like I said I'm going to do sis!!remember??*LOL*
Friday, July 6, 2007
Well, I have..
It feels so weird, well not that weird really. It's just from time to time especially weekends, I planned to do my assignment..
Angel Na: Come on, Na you got to do this the faster the better.
Devil Na: I know..I know but I still have tons of time..
Angel Na: yes you do but won't it better if you get it done sooner?
Devil Na: yeah..but....
In the end Devil Na wins!! It's always like that..especially when the assignment isn't due for a long time. I mean, I can't lie to myself and said the assignment is due tomorrow when it's not right? that's just weirder then my "arguing to myself" habit.
Ok, so why the title is THE ZONE not LAZINESS? Well, because from all this jazz I actually realize that if I want to do my stuff, I need to be in my ZONE.
What "ZONE" you ask? Well, it's a "ZONE" that I created where I litterally surrounded with all the stuff that I need, the "ZONE" when I only focused on my assignment and not even get up for anything, the "ZONE" where no one but me and my stuff and the sound of TV are, heck..I even chase my sis away..*LOL*
Why do I need to do that? Why do I chase my sis away? well, I don't know, if there is someone around me when I'm doing my "stuff" it makes me lost my "mojo" *gosh, mojo..haven't heard it since ever..LOL* Geez..it's just called 'you can't concentrate' NO IS NOT! TV can make people unfocus too but nope, it doesn't distract me.
So yeah, I always need my ZONE, with it I can do stuff faster than you can answer "why she chased her sis away?"*LOL* ok maybe not that fast, but you got the idea.
Also, it really pointless for me to force myself to do stuff that I don't feel like doing at the moment, I tried..in the end I got so little done, better use the time to do other stuff..like doing some pointless thing called "browsing around the inet", "changing the TV's channel every so often though I know there is none on", "blogging and then saved it as draft, just like I'm doing now", washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen..well this isn't pointless right?this is a good thing that I actually do all the time to avoid myself from doing assignment..*LOL* and last but not least just like I was doing this whole day from 10am-now(12.21am) arguing w/ myself..
Angel Na: why am I not doing the assignment?
Devil Na: well duh ?you still have time tomorrow..
Angel Na: but tomorrow we are going to make kroket *yes people, we are going to make kroket =D*
Devil Na: I know, but remember the other day I finished the whole drawing less then 30 mnts, so no worries..I'll got everything done tomorrow nite
Angel Na: TOMORROW NITE? are you crazy!
Devil Na: ok2, wake up early tomorrow and get it done!!
Angel Na: well that's better
Once again Devil Na wins! and yeah, I'm going to get up early tomorrow to get it done..*well it might not be tomorrow anymore when I post this since I'm not going to post this now (now is Saturday, June 30)..LOL*
Anyway, what do you think? do you have the same problem with me? I'm sure you do!lol
UPDATE: Ok, so Na Devil win yet agian and I ended up doing my project on monday..and it's done.. but then I'm not so satisfied w/ the result so I made another one on tuesday and wednesday and I like it so much better than the 1st one (look at my upcoming blog for this one....)
Also, yup, we made the Kroket and made it again last night..yummmm...upcoming..BASO GORENG!!!hahahaha...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ambiguous LOVE
Soo..yeah.. I SAID I LOVE YOU every so often.. If you are my friend, you must know this by now..
Do I mean it??yes I do mean it but not mean it "mean" it, got it? I say that all the time but never think about it any further. It's totally different w/ the I LOVE YOU to someone more than friend, someone you have FEELING more than friend but not your family either whom I can casually say I LOVE YOU to or don't need the word I LOVE YOU to actually know I love them.
Which come to the last category..
My special someone..that someone more than friends not fams.. WELL, it'll be REALLY REALLY HARD for me to say I LOVE YOU and "mean" it. "Why??isn't it just normal gesture for you?" you asked..well yeah..but it's just different..plus!!!!I haven't found out BY MYSELF the TRUE meaning of this one just yet..
So, for u my friends if I said "LOVE U" to you guys, I do mean it but not in that way, so u don't need to wonder or think it any further especially if you are a guy..
I guess it is true when a Korean American comedian, Henry Cho said that girls have their own languages which only girls can understand...
Anyway.....so if you get confuse about my ambiguous "love you" words..just come back here and read carefully, which category are you at.LOL....
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hand Writing=personality??
Friday, May 4, 2007

I'm freaking tired!!!!! This final week I only slept like 13 hours!!!!!imagine that!!!
1wk at least 24 hours of sleep, count only 6 hours each from monday till thursday obviously.
SOOOO I lack 11 hours of sleep!!! OMG!!!! Other than sleeping hour, I didn't eat properly for the last 3 days too!!I only ate once a day and then go back to project!!! and it wasn't even a meal..just a sandwich or piece of chicken!! GOOSSSHHH!!!!
PS: I haven't sleep n eat today..n yet I'm blogging...

Sunday, April 8, 2007
I keep getting messages asking "can I get to know u?", "can I get ur number", "wow, u r hot babe", etc2!! ever since..
Seriously!??!wat is wrong w/ this pic??I don't get it..it's just a normal pic of me.. Sure i'm wearing skirt n all, not like my other pics on fs..BUT!!I totally never meant to "invite" weird attention!!! I'm using it because it was a pic from my bday..
I'm just annoy!!!before this pic everything was normal..sure there're some people that viewing my profile but nvr like this one...Ever since this 1, almost 200++ people that I don't know viewing my profile!!good thing I locked it!!!hahahha...
The 1 that bother me the most is that a guy that actually in my friends list also msg me n asked if he can get to know me!!r u stupid!!We know each other already!!*though I don't remember how* See...isn't that an evidence that this pic is the effect of the "getting to know" mode!!! it's like "where the hell were u b4? I've been on your friends list n yet just now you try to get to know me!?!?!" stupid guy!! just say "I like ur pic!!" n I'm totally cool w/ that, I'm used to it anyway!!
No need to ask other things that u don't even bother wat the answer is!! and no need to ask me to add u up!
I'm just annoy of the fact they want to add me as friend just because of MY PIC!!!
BUT..I'm not gonna lose!!! I don't care!!they can drool however they want!I'm keeping it as my profile's pic!!hah!
I know that guys r pervert by nature..*lol* but just to be fair w/ all the guys out there...This is 1 prove that guys ARE bunch of pervert at least 80% of them are..see I'm a fair gal!!lol!!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
I've been invited to Honor Society n already got in it..we do ceremony n all..
Certificate ----------- The pin!!
Half of the member..try find me..*duh?!it's easy!!*
Other then this ceremony thing..we also had our 1st meeting!!n guess what?!I'm the Kappa Omicron Nu's treasurer 2007-2008..sure I can be the President..but then I feel that, it'll be too muchh work so I decided to be the treasurer instead..n definitely the most important thing in an organization..no treasurer=no money=no organization..LOL..less work then the president but the most important position..lol..but I bet people that "see" it think....asian=treasurer=do the math..lol..get it??
Friday, April 6, 2007
"Na, u r so awesome!!" This was my fren said when she heard I slept only 3 hours on the day of our trip to Kansas n yet I didn't sleep at all on the bus!! BUT..this is another different story!!I'll blog about it when I retrieve all the pics and videos!!
Now...let's just see all the Design PROJECTS that eat up my whole week n hours to sleep!!!!!
Dress Project...

Well this is the old 1..
might as well post it w/ human figure...
NOW LET'S SEE THE NEW IMPROVE ONE!!!!*the one that made me walked around campus like zommbbiieee*
Just a basic skecth...nothing fancy..
1st LOOK..
What do ya think? cute no?formal yet cute!!hihihi..
2nd LOOK!!
Yup...2 style in 1!!!cool rite?!
So, wat do u think?I'll say it's definitely a big improvement from the yellow 1..Oh..the funny thing is my instructor is more excited than I'm!! Exchange at my presentation..
Na: mine is unique because if u take off this lace part u'll get a whole different style..
Ins: ok guys, what do u think??*silent*About the layer part?
student 1: I never saw anything like it..I don't know..I'm just amaze!!
student 2: I like it!
Ins: you know what I think it'll be better if the layer part also can be taken off..
student 3: yeah!!I'll definitely wear it if it's short..
Na: *damn!!i'm still standing here n u guys just talking among urself!!*
Ins: I know right!!it'll be perfect!!all the moms will be so happy n said to their teen.."here..prom, party, etc2..it's the whole package!!
Na: *although I know..I just want to be engage in the conversation too* so?? how do u attach it?zipper? *obviously I know, rite?*
Ins: yeah sure!!zipper work fine!! *n she is back talking w/ the other..then realize* Ah..ok Na..really nice!!
Na: *finally I can sit!!don't cha know I haven't sleep!!*
But..all n all..I'm glad they like it!!hihihi~ I must say though..I think I'll do a simple one next time which is kind of a challange for me because my simple is complicated for others..in the end people that have had class with me b4 always said.."u always do complicated stuff" which is kind of weird because i thought mine..*above* is pretty simple in the fact that it's my original dsgn..but hey..I guess not!!that's why I tone it down a bit for the next one although in my mind.."what is this, this is a reallllyy simple dress!!" but oh well!!better tone it down then sorry..^^ AND yeah next time coming soon..another dress due in 2 1/2 week!!!! Started??heck no!!!Rest first!!!
I was going to post another part of my week in this post but...I'll just post again some other time!!^^
K!!time to sleep or may be grading homework..yup2..still tons of things to do!!grading homework, draw 3 figures in wool, leather n satin!! then memorize me line for Chinese talent show..yup!I'm joining a talent show..hope I won't have a stage fright!!! LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!! Studying for exam on tuesday!!argghh!!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Goes w/ that I dunno what to blog..so yeah..since this is a new blog let's just start with my 21st b'day!!^^
Eating time!!!in between 2 Lisas!!hehe~
The beautiful yummy humongous ice cream cake with 21 candles around it!!!!
The Princess way to cut cake*said Tam* vs MY WAY! to cut cake!!*LOL*
*Look at all these jealous people!trying to get my tiara!!!!*
Pictures with each of them!!
OK.....Toooooo many pictures to upload!!!it's 115 total!!!Though not enough for me!!!*LOL* Yeah2..I'm a picture maniac!! I believe some of you fed up with my craziness of taking picture..lol
Here's a video...(can't upload another one..don't know why!!) Blow candle time...*the voice w/out the face is TAM!!*
So yeah!!!no one really wear pink..pink..just a bit here and there...I guess I need to make it clearer next time that I meant pink from the top to bottom!!LOLStill appreciate them for coming and bear with my brattiness...LOL..I AM NOT A BRAT!!hihihi..~
Orhh!!I was soooo sneaky the whole time..I don't tell anyone about anything!!food, drink, etc..However, Tam is trying to got me back!!!he's going to surprise *aw...i love surprises!!* me with somethinggg for my present!!*hm..wonder what will it be?!?!* Talking about present...here's what I got..SO FAR..lol..
And well there is a hat from this Lisa on top of my tiara..I was like "nuh-uh!!don't u dare touch my tiara!" *LOL*
GIL is sooo cuteee...she is going to make me something!!!awwww.....
NIWEIZZZ...I've tons of fun !!!though it'll be wayyyy awesome if all my friends are here..
Anyway!!Thanks to all!!!!!!My sis who helped me to prepare, Tam "the photographer", the 2 Lisas..*tx for the presents*, July and of course Gil the most ASIAN one in the room(she used chopstick while other used spoons..lol)!!!
Last but not least!!!!MY PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy!!yet so sad...I believe this will be the last time for all of us getting together..since soon..we all will be graduate and go farrrr....farrrrr.....away from AMES!!!*LOL...*