So anyway, like months ago.. after I looked at how people transformed after make up.. it suddenly *yup another spur of the moment* hit me.. "hey! I wonder how will I look like with make up.." and well..I guess I told Tam..LOL..n yeah..if you read my previous entry, he gave me a whole box of make up!LOL!
Ok..of coz.. I thought "yeah..when exactly am I gonna use this whole box of make up?" but...hmm..let's see..few days after..I think it was a Tuesday, march 11, 2008 *keep this date in mind..the day I got DIVIRGINIZED!LOL* a special someone, whose name doesn't want to be mention, came to my apartment and DIVIRGINIZED my face!*LOL* Mind u..this person isn't really a professional lha..but hey at least better than me lho..hahaha.. N of coz, Tam was here too as the photographer..*as*

*me still innocent lha...hihihhi*

look mean huh?
hmm..wonder what annoyed me?!

I like my eyes in this pic...hihihi tired looking at my pics?! say "yes" n U R SO DEAD!!LOL!!Just pics..I forced the photographer to take pics w/ me..LOL
Aiyyoooo..I look so manja..
Is that a heart or an apple?!hahaha...
Tam: Hm..yeah that one look good..
Na: yeah! I know!
LOL!! of coz..that conversation didn't happen..we or should I say I..kinda said how bout MG pose?!lol!!n of coz I photoshoped the background!LOL!
Ok...let's see what that special person actually put on my face...
- blush all over..for the based+the cheeks
- olive eyeshadow..later changed to black..
- eyeliner..*I actually*
- eyebrow pencil
- lip gloss+lip liner
- mascara..later I attempted to put one..not bad lha..look at my right
- that's all!lol
- oh~the hair too..also not by
Not much rite? I told the person "you better not make me look like a clown!"LOL! It doesn't look like it but I actually thought it's kinda thick..but after I saw the pics, not bad..No wonder people put on very cake make up for photoshoot...wuih..
So??what do ya think!!? Like me better w/ or without make up!? I know I still look pretty w/ or w/out make no need to tell me that..LOL!! You know how I look like w/out make no before picture..just look at my previous posts..hihihi..
Me myself kinda like this one..but just not used to it just yet..n of coz..I'm too lazy to actually do make up Oh~let's do pros n cons..
- My face look fresher
- My eyes look bigger..*guess this is why my face look fresher?lol*
- *ok..what else? Confuse...I don't think it looks that different*
- Take too much time..*especially since I'm not a pro just yet*
- Too lazy..because of reason number 1..LOL
- Waste too much money..*if in the end I'm addicted to it..tho I doubt it..LOL*
PLUS..For me, it's kinda sad for people that depend on make up so much..won't it be scary especially for the boyfriend..or husband or whatever when he woke up next to their girls one day and see the REAL FACE?!LOL!! especially for those girls out there that do full blown make up everyday and look HELLA different..Won't it better if guys see us wearing make up and say "WOW!" than they see us w/out make up and say "GEEZZZ!!!!"? LOL..I think "WOW!" is totally better!^^
N NOPE! it's not because I envy those girls since they can do a full blown make up and make yourself 100% different n better..or whatever..I can do that too if I want to..but the thing is I don't want to!LOL!!
Ok2..let's end this post..tell me what you think huh?!and sis@ nenek..are u surprise?!hahahaa...oh~till we meet again huh...I hold u on that..LOL! of this pic is the one that I need you to print and give it to my mom n dad,k?hihihi..
Oh~ I know some people kinda curious if I transformed to a girly girl or vain or watever n NO!! I'm not..I'm still that tomboy girl *ok tomboy is not the right word no more..since I'm sporting a not short hair no more..prolly ungirly is better?(is that even a word?LOL..ok watever..u know what I mean!)* you knew back then..still not wearing skirt, no long nails, none of that nail polish, no earring everyday *I do wear em sometimes if I'm in the mood*, no ________ *watever u can think of of a girly girl*
So worries..I'll always true to myself...You know my motto don't u!? BE URSELF NO MATTER WHAT!^^
OK...Me done now!no more chit chat..gosh!!!almost 7 am!??!damn!need to sleep!!hahahaaha
Sista@ Finally can post comment here. Lol.
So yea, it looks good on you :)
Dolling up sometimes won't do u any harm right? And you need to make a good use of those make up set Tam has given you, though. LOL!
When I finally can see you again *which we both have no idea when will it be, right? lol*, you HAVE to doll up and show me, ok? Deal! Hahahahahaha
Take care sis!
DEAL!!IF!!By then I can do it myself le..since right now..I've my own so called "makeup artist" LOL!!
LOL i'll be waiting ;)
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